Interview from Failure Treats Exclusive:
Interview with DEADSY's Craig Riker

The following is an interview with Craig Riker, bassist for DEADSY, conducted via email. Responses are presented as provided by Craig. The interview was recieved 22 February 2000.*

Could you please give a brief history of DEADSY? How and when did the band form? Was there any particular reason behind DEADSY's formation?

CRAIG: DEADSY started out around '97, formed by Elijah Blue. We wanted to make music that we liked and were interested in. Instead of just doing what is popular.

Who are DEADSY? Who does what in the band?

DEADSY is: P. Exeter Blue, guitars & vocals; Dr. Nner, keyboards; Craig, bass; Alec Pure, drums; Carlton Megaladon, synth guitar.

Could you describe DEADSY's sound? Who/what are your influences?


How is Troy Van Leeuwen (ex-FAILURE) involved with DEADSY? What is his role and how did his involvement come about?

Troy is a friend of the band and works a lot with our producer, Josh Abraham. Over the years we have all become great friends. He played guitar on "Mansion World," Fox on the Run," and "She Likes Big Words." His new band E N E M Y are rad.

I noticed that DEADSY has been linked to some high profile bands, such as ORGY and KORN. How did these collaborations come about?

Well, Jay Gordon originally played bass on three songs on Commencement. The KORN guys are friends and fans of DEADSY, and vice versa.

What is your role in DEADSY? You are the bassist, correct? Do you contribute in other ways?

My role in DEADSY is to supply the horror. The scary, dark, horrific side of the band.

Who are your musical influences?

When I first started playing music I liked bands like SLAYER, IRON MAIDEN but always liked U2 & DURAN DURAN too. Now it is hard to say what I like, the list is too long.

What equipment do you use?

Right now, I use Ibanez 885 Soungears, and GK 800 RB Amp, and AMPESG SVT 8/10 Cabinets. With variuos Boss pedals.

Are you a FAILURE fan? If so...
what do you like about FAILURE?
what is your favorite FAILURE song?

I'm a huge FAILURE fan. They are probably my favorite band. I love everything about FAILURE. Its hard to choose one (song). Anything off Fantastic Planet.